sábado, 6 de setembro de 2014

Attendance and Psychological Counseling in Institutions Educational

Custódio Sumbane

To what extent Care and Counseling Psychology is relevant in Educational Institutions? In day-to-day has been experienced dilemmas that plague our emotional, social status, education staff may even, in some way, jeopardize the educational performance of all students. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the early stages of child development are the most susceptible to crisis. This crisis will pass into adolescence and adulthood. Freud, father of psychoanalysis, speaks very well about this when advocates that "all aspects experienced in childhood and adolescence determines the personality of the individual." With this, it can be concluded that childhood is where it builds the personality of the individual, develops autonomy, socialization, morality, how to be, to know and be dealing with others.
In this proportion, we can say that divorce, changing schools, the rejection in a group of friends, social conflicts, violence in the family environment, bullying (aggression or violence in the school context), stepmother or stepfather, finally, are situations that are experienced by children and place them traumatized and may somehow affect their schooling and their future life. One cannot speak of quality education without talking about the student and the student should not speak without taking into account the problems it faces. With this, want to say that the problems that students face in their everyday lives affect significantly in their academic life.

Therefore, it is imperative to take into account the problems of the student in order to ensure the quality of education and welfare. Psychologists and Statisticians best that can explain this scenario. For example, the application related to construct a test (test that evaluates the latent traces) or pattern on the content (test that evaluates the academic performance) process can apply the same test to the same person two or three times at different times for the purpose of checking the stability of temperamental student and get the same extremely different scores. How to explain? Several factors may be behind it, such as the index of difficulty of the test itself, the teacher, the conditions of the environment, the student and even the aspects that affect your life in some way, the territory of their emotion and block the normal course of their activities.
However, to sustain the above said ideas can call Mwamwenda (2004: 337), an expert in children's cognitive development area in the African context to situate us as follows: "It must be said emphatically that no school system in Africa can required to provide a quality education if most of their students do not have any access to guidance and counseling as an integral component of their curriculum.”

However, dealing with the problems the student is one of the key points that fit what is the improvement of teaching, because the behavioral typologies work, somehow, as a barrier in the academic performance of the student. In the same line of thought, Mwamwenda (2004: 343) argues that the guidance and advice in the early grades can help prevent problems that children may encounter in the future. Some of these problems include learning disabilities and deviant behavior (fights, arguments, terminate relationships, hyperactivity and attention deficit and stubbornness).

Beyond the initial classes above, Care and Psychological Counseling is imperative that occur in subsequent classes as (8th to 12th classes), because that is where the monitoring seems more necessary. This is the stage for major changes in adolescents seen manifested by the development of the hips, breasts, appearance of the first menses, hair in the axillary areas, deepening of the voice, wet dreams, among others. Not only the body changes but also the professional choices, creating friendships, interest in the opposite sex partner, the inclusion in the group of friends, influences, are all aspects that put adolescents in a constant state of turmoil, tension and indecision or even identity crisis. And this identity crisis can affect your emotional sphere, personal, social and educational. Therefore, it is extremely important the participation of psychologists in educational institutions in ensuring the care and psychological counseling, since the arrest warrant, precaution of problems that students face in their academic and daily life. Only this way you can ensure healthy, able pupils to cope with the emotional prison and never lose the taste for life and continue to fight for their dreams.

Licensing in Psychology


1 comentário:

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